Law Enforcement as an Effort to Control Environmental Damage Due to Sand Mining in the Progo River, Yogyakarta

Solichah Novyana Putri


This study aims to determine law enforcement in controlling environmental damage due to sand mining on the Progo River, Yogyakarta.
This type of research is doctrinal research. The approach taken uses a statutory and conceptual approach. The technique of collecting legal materials used in this legal research is through library research/document studies. The sources of legal materials use primary and secondary legal materials (statutes and supporting documents).
The results of the study show that the law enforcement has made efforts to reprimand through administrative sanctions by transporting suction machine tools and sending warning letters to a number of companies that violate the provisions of Government Ordinance Number 78 of 2010 concerning Reclamation and Post-mining. Further, no law enforcement has been taken against them so that the warning does not frighten or deter illegal miners. Then the losses caused by mining carried out by miners and mining entrepreneurs also had a negative impact on the lives of the people along the Progo river until demonstrations were carried out. The reality, then, was made worse by companies and miners who didn’t want to do reclamation. Moreover, when they did sand mining activities, they didn’t pay attention to the existing rules. They could sue through a civil class action in accordance with the general explanation of point 5 paragraph 2 of Law Number 32 of 2009 on Environmental Protection and Management.

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