Development of Nationalistic Insight Oriented Interactive Multimedia in Sixth-Grade Namira Elementary School Probolinggo

Ludfi Arya Wardana


The problem that occurs in Grade VI of Namira Elementary School is that there is no media that accommodates content about nationalistic insight. On the other hand, students have been familiar with the use of information technology for learning. Student learning outcomes do not meet the minimum standards and the student’s lack of interest in learning. The purpose of this research is to produce a valid, practical and effective interactive multimedia oriented towards nationalistic insight for the sixth grade students of Namira Elementary School Probolinggo. This study uses a modified Borg & Gall development model. The development carried out begins with a preliminary study, followed by planning, designing, validating, trial and finalize the products. The results of the validation from material experts are valid without revision and the results of the validation from media experts are valid without revision. Limited trials were conducted on teachers and students of Namira Elementary School Probolinggo. The average results of the teacher’s practicality questionnaire are valid without revision. The results of the student learning evaluation showed 38 students had passed their studies and 4 students get remedial. The explanation above shows that interactive multimedia oriented towards nationalism has been valid, practical and effective so that this product is a medium that improves learning processes and outcomes and instils nationalistic insight towards the students.

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