End of Second Year: Records of Covid Pandemic Management in Indonesia

Trisnandaru Densa Putra


End of Second Year:
Records of Covid Pandemic Management in Indonesia
Gian Syahputra1, Trisnandaru Densa Putra2, Reza Setyo Nugroho3, Diana Lukitasari4 1 Universitas Sebelas Maret
Email: giansyahputra@student.uns.ac.id
Coronavirus (Covid-19) is a respiratory infection caused by a type of Coronavirus. More than 190 countries in the world have been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, including Indonesia. The Indonesian government announced the Covid-19 pandemic through Presidential Decree (Keppres) number 12 of 2020 concerning the Determination of Non-Natural Disasters Spreading Coronavirus Disease 2019 (Covid-19) as a National Disaster. In implementing the handling of the Covid-19 outbreak in Indonesia, the government issued various policies in an effort to recover from the pandemic. One of them is mass vaccination. So far, there are still records of problems that have hampered the process of accelerating the handling of Covid-19 until now. Cases that are still being found include people’s understanding of vaccination, the implementation of vaccinations that have not been evenly distributed in each region to cases of buying and selling vaccines in the community. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to find out some notes that need to be considered regarding existing policies so that Indonesia has not yet finished winning over the Covid-19 pandemic outbreak.
Keywords : Pandemic, Covid-19, Vaccination

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